Nutrition plays a crucial role in students’ academic performance, and several studies have highlighted the significant impact of school nutrition programs on educational outcomes.
Nutrition and Academic Performance:
Nutritious food is essential not only for a child’s healthy growth but also for their academic performance. School meals help keep children in the classroom rather than working at home or entering early marriages, allowing them to continue their education and secure a future for themselves and their communities
Among severely undernourished populations, school breakfast programs have been shown to improve academic performance and cognitive functioning
Studies have demonstrated that dietary intake influences academic achievement, with evidence showing that more frequent consumption and higher nutritional quality of breakfast are positively associated with academic achievement
Impact of Nutrition on Students’ Academic Performance:
A study aimed to determine the association between nutritional status and academic performance among primary school children in northwest Ethiopia found that indicators of undernutrition were prevalent among the students. However, the study also suggested that wasting, which is acute malnutrition, may not have a substantial negative impact on academic performance
Another study focused on secondary school students in Owo Local Government Area of Ondo State aimed to find out the effectiveness of nutrition on students’ academic performance. The study analyzed the impact of balanced diet, malnutrition, and nutritional disorders on academic performance
Universal School-Meal Programs:
Universal meal programs, such as the one operating in Michigan, have been highlighted as important for reaching students in need. Removing the stigma associated with meal programs can lead to higher participation rates, which in turn can result in an immediate academic performance boost and improvements in long-term health, economic, and social well-being. Increased access to nutritious food is associated with better education outcomes, including attendance, behavior, grades, test performance, and graduation rates
The Impact of School Nutrition Programs on Academic Performance
June 9th, 2024 by imdad Leave a reply »